Today the growth rate of media industry is near about 30%. The Indian media is also growing with this rate. The growth rate of Indian media industry is near about 18-25%. However the regional languages of India empowered the local media but we cannot deny that the biggest economic media field in India is English media .In the reader’s survey of Indian news papers, Hindi and regional language media comes in the top ten of the news papers while English news paper is out from top ten list. First of all we have to see that why the English media is economically bold? Where from more and more money comes to this media? The English media has big promoters like big MNCs and the policy for encouraging the English language of European governments .All of us know that, the income of media industry comes from where? I.e. the income comes from:-
1. From distribution of newspapers, magazines etc.
2. From advertisement and tele-communications i.e. from SMSs, e-surveys etc.
Another income source of income is from ‘E-magazine’ and ‘Blogging’. According to viewers numbers companies gives advertisement to these E-magazine and bloggers. But this type of income is not popular in Indian media but it is popular in European media. But in coming days in Indian media field it seems that there should be a rating point for E-magazines and E-papers. According to T R P rating media houses have the advertisement. If you imagine that the T R P rating depends upon the number of viewers or readers then you are in dilemma. There is more confusion about T R P rating. So, let’s see what the T R P rating is?
In general sense T R P rating is only considered for electronic media exclusively for television. The full form of T R P is television rating point. In Indian media perspective T R P rating is being done by TAM media ltd. An other survey company AdeX India also gives survey on advertisements. For television shows rating it has implanted the rating machine in upper class area of metro cities. We know that the effect of advertisement firstly influences the citizen of metro cities. People who are living in metro cities have more salaries as compare to semi-urban or urban living people. If we compare the income of common man living in metro and town, then we see a far distinction between them. Clearly we can see that the TRP rating depends upon upper class of Indian society. There is another reason by which we can see that how advertisement effects the higher society? If APPLE launches an ipod who will be its first purchaser definitely an employee of MNC or the businessman of metro city not the people of small town or urban area.
This is about the TRP rating and the income of Indian media industry. Today the leading media groups of Indian media are:-
The Indian express group. Bennet and Colman group (the times of India group); Hindustan times group (Birla), Nai duniya
; The Hindu ;Channel 18 ; CNN ibn group; TV today network ; NDTV ; India TV ; India news ; voice of India ,zee network, B.A.G media Ltd etc .
There are also regional channels in Bangla, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, kannad and Oriya. For example Kiran TV, KTV, SUNTV ,DD BANGLA ,STAR ANANDO ,STAR MAZHA ,ZEE BANGLA,STAR ANANDO,ZEE GUJRATI, MAHUA ,HAMAR TV ETC. In current scenario the number of television channels in Indian media is near about 300 and gradually the number of channel is increasing day by day.
As the numbers of regional channels are increasing the advertisement of companies is being distributed in these channels. So, there is big competition in between the media channels for advertisement. That’s why, the channels are dependent on TRP rating.
The increase of media channel opened a global carrier in media field. That’s why the students are taking media studies as better carrier. Now days the technology has also empowered the media industry. Web journalism is a gift of modern technology, in which there is global opportunities for young media generation.
Today the growth rate of media industry is near about 30%. The Indian media is also growing with this rate. The growth rate of Indian media industry is near about 18-25%. However the regional languages of India empowered the local media but we cannot deny that the biggest economic media field in India is English media .In the reader’s survey of Indian news papers, Hindi and regional language media comes in the top ten of the news papers while English news paper is out from top ten list. First of all we have to see that why the English media is economically bold? Where from more and more money comes to this media? The English media has big promoters like big MNCs and the policy for encouraging the English language of European governments .All of us know that, the income of media industry comes from where? I.e. the income comes from:-
1. From distribution of newspapers, magazines etc.
2. From advertisement and tele-communications i.e. from SMSs, e-surveys etc.
Another income source of income is from ‘E-magazine’ and ‘Blogging’. According to viewers numbers companies gives advertisement to these E-magazine and bloggers. But this type of income is not popular in Indian media but it is popular in European media. But in coming days in Indian media field it seems that there should be a rating point for E-magazines and E-papers. According to T R P rating media houses have the advertisement. If you imagine that the T R P rating depends upon the number of viewers or readers then you are in dilemma. There is more confusion about T R P rating. So, let’s see what the T R P rating is?
In general sense T R P rating is only considered for electronic media exclusively for television. The full form of T R P is television rating point. In Indian media perspective T R P rating is being done by TAM media ltd. An other survey company AdeX India also gives survey on advertisements. For television shows rating it has implanted the rating machine in upper class area of metro cities. We know that the effect of advertisement firstly influences the citizen of metro cities. People who are living in metro cities have more salaries as compare to semi-urban or urban living people. If we compare the income of common man living in metro and town, then we see a far distinction between them. Clearly we can see that the TRP rating depends upon upper class of Indian society. There is another reason by which we can see that how advertisement effects the higher society? If APPLE launches an ipod who will be its first purchaser definitely an employee of MNC or the businessman of metro city not the people of small town or urban area.
This is about the TRP rating and the income of Indian media industry. Today the leading media groups of Indian media are:-
The Indian express group. Bennet and Colman group (the times of India group); Hindustan times group (Birla), Nai duniya
; The Hindu ;Channel 18 ; CNN ibn group; TV today network ; NDTV ; India TV ; India news ; voice of India ,zee network, B.A.G media Ltd etc .
There are also regional channels in Bangla, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, kannad and Oriya. For example Kiran TV, KTV, SUNTV ,DD BANGLA ,STAR ANANDO ,STAR MAZHA ,ZEE BANGLA,STAR ANANDO,ZEE GUJRATI, MAHUA ,HAMAR TV ETC. In current scenario the number of television channels in Indian media is near about 300 and gradually the number of channel is increasing day by day.
As the numbers of regional channels are increasing the advertisement of companies is being distributed in these channels. So, there is big competition in between the media channels for advertisement. That’s why, the channels are dependent on TRP rating.
The increase of media channel opened a global carrier in media field. That’s why the students are taking media studies as better carrier. Now days the technology has also empowered the media industry. Web journalism is a gift of modern technology, in which there is global opportunities for young media generation.